6 Steps to Avoid Holiday Temptations
Dec 12, 2022
Here is How 6 Mindful Steps Can Promote Your Personal Health Keeping for Holidays.
There are several Holiday seasons throughout the year. Each Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter season has its share of global and local celebrations. Most people have some struggle with staying true to their Health and Self-care during holidays.
Several weeks before each holiday season, stores and services tempt us with ads for food, gifts, cards, and events to celebrate whatever holidays matter to us. These realities bring major influences upon our personal process of Health Keeping.
What are your Challenges for this Holiday Season?
What triggers, temptations, or traps do you want to manage this Holiday?
We have all been here before. When we are willing to pause and be honest with ourselves, we know deep down inside, that we understand what does and what doesn’t work for us in each Holiday Season.
This resonates with a most important aspect of the Art of Health Keeping, which is the concept of Self-Mastery. I like to call it being our Best-Self.
My decades of living and work experience have shown me that, deep down inside of each person exists the template of their Best-Self. It’s part of human nature and exists as part of everyone’s DNA.
So…how can we set ourselves up for Success for Holiday Seasons?
One way is to prepare for the Holidays as if we are going on a trip to a far-away place. When we Mindfully prepare and plan for our journey, things often go better.
Below is a step-by-step process for practicing Healthy Holiday Mindfulness.
You can use these steps in any order that suits you to set yourself up for Successful Health Keeping in any Holiday Season.
- Take Time Now
- Find my willingness to choose to create a Best-Self Strategy
- Invest time NOW to evaluate my needs and create a plan
- Be Honest
- What outcomes will bring the most enjoyment and happiness?
- What do I really want to take away from the Holidays?
- Plan My Yes/No Menu
- What triggers are likely to tempt my poor choices?
- What antidotes or substitutions can I have on hand?
- What foods, beverages, activities, or people, are on my YES list?
- What foods, beverages, activities, or people, are on my NO list?
- Ask My Best-Self
- Practice positive self-talk
- Ask good questions
- “In this moment, what is my Best Choice Right Now?”
- Set My Intention
- I can use this planning time to discover my Intention
- I can discover my overall Outcome and Purpose for the Holiday
- I can create a positive affirmation or phrase to keep me on track
- “Every choice I make brings out my Best Self.”
- “This Holiday I want to feel happy and healthy with every choice.”
- “Everything I eat and drink brings my body positive energy.”
- Be Kind and Enjoy
- If or when I misstep in my choices, I can Simply Notice and reset my Intention with Kindness.
- The more Self-Kindness I practice instead of Self-Criticism, the more inspired I am to show Kindness and Compassion to others.
- The more Compassion there is in group gatherings the more Joy and Harmony happens.
- FREE GIFT HOLIDAY GUIDE Click Here: 6 Steps to Avoid Holiday Temptations
© 2022 HealthKeepersUnited.com
Disclaimer: None of the information in this Blog constitutes medical advice. Information is offered for educational and informational purposes only and are not substitutes for professional advice or treatment by a licensed healthcare professional. Consult with your Health Care Provider before making any diet, lifestyle, or exercise changes.
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